12 Week Online Training Package - Personalized Fitness, Nutrition, Resume Review & Interview Coaching
✔ Our signature package. We've helped over 150 clients get that Golden Call...they're HIRED!!!
✔ Fully customized Strength Workouts
✔ Daily Finisher Workouts (short high intensity) to take your fitness to a new level
✔ Customized Running Program to greatly improve your Beep Test score, 2.4 km Run, VO2 max, and distance runs
✔ Training app with how to videos and Food Journal
✔ Progress tracking in app so your coaches are always monitoring your workout progress
✔ Healthy, nutritious recipes that are easy to make and everyone will enjoy
✔ Nutrition guidelines with personalized carbs, fats & protein recommendations to optimize your performance
✔ Cover Letter & Resume review with former Recruiter (policing) and a partner affiliate (firefighting) *
✔ Interview coaching to fully equip you for the most important interviews of your life! *
✔ Bi-Weekly Coaching calls with one of our Coaches
✔ Unlimited email and text support, truly meant to be interactive training and support
* Please note that both Cover Letter & Resume Review and Interview Coaching are included even once your 12 weeks of training are complete!
Entire 12 Week Package + Unlimited Resume & Interview coaching - $1,200+hst. Can be paid instalments at no additional overall price if helpful!
✔ Our signature package. We've helped over 150 clients get that Golden Call...they're HIRED!!!
✔ Fully customized Strength Workouts
✔ Daily Finisher Workouts (short high intensity) to take your fitness to a new level
✔ Customized Running Program to greatly improve your Beep Test score, 2.4 km Run, VO2 max, and distance runs
✔ Training app with how to videos and Food Journal
✔ Progress tracking in app so your coaches are always monitoring your workout progress
✔ Healthy, nutritious recipes that are easy to make and everyone will enjoy
✔ Nutrition guidelines with personalized carbs, fats & protein recommendations to optimize your performance
✔ Cover Letter & Resume review with former Recruiter (policing) and a partner affiliate (firefighting) *
✔ Interview coaching to fully equip you for the most important interviews of your life! *
✔ Bi-Weekly Coaching calls with one of our Coaches
✔ Unlimited email and text support, truly meant to be interactive training and support
* Please note that both Cover Letter & Resume Review and Interview Coaching are included even once your 12 weeks of training are complete!
Entire 12 Week Package + Unlimited Resume & Interview coaching - $1,200+hst. Can be paid instalments at no additional overall price if helpful!